12 I ELEMENTS OF THE THEORY OF SETS Suppose (Aj)AeL is a partition of X; then it is clear that the relation ** there exists AeL such that x e AA and y e AA" is an equivalence relation between x and y. Conversely, let R be an equivalence relation in X, and let G cz X x X be its graph (Section 1.3); for each x e X, the cross section G(x) (Section 1.3) is called the class (or equivalence class) of x for R (or " mod R"). The set of all subsets of X which can be written G(x) for some x e X is a subset of «P(X) called the quotient set ofX by R and written X/R; the mapping x -» G(x) is called the canonical (or natural) mapping of X into X/R; it is surjective by definition. The family of subsets of X defined by the natural injection of X/R into ^(X) is a partition of X, whose elements are the classes mod R. Indeed, if z e G(x) n G(y), both relations R(x, z) and R(y, z) hold, hence also R(z, y) (symmetry) and R(x, y) (transitivity), which proves that y e G(x); this implies G(y) a G(x) (transitivity) and exchanging x and y one gets G(x) c GOO, hence finally G(x)-G(y); as moreover x<=G(x) for every :c e X (refiexivity), our assertion is proved. For every mapping/of X into a set Y, the relation/(x) =f(xf) is an equivalence relation between x and x'. Let (XA)AeL be a family of subsets of a set Y, and for each AeL, let XA = {A} x XA (subset of L x Y); it is clear that the restriction to X^ of the second projection pr2 : L x Y -» Y is a bijection p^ of XA on XA. The subset S = y X^ c L x Y is called the sum of the family (XA) (not to be mistaken AeL for the union of that family ft; it is clear that (X^) is a partition of S. Usually, XA and XA will be identified by the natural bijection /?A. If, for every AeL, WA is a mapping of X^ into a set T, there is one and only one mapping u of S into T which coincides with WA in each XA. With the same notations, let us now consider the subset of the set YL (Section 1,4) consisting of all mappings A->xA of L into Y such that, for every AeL, one has XA eXA; this subset is called the product of the family (X;)A6L. and is written J] XA; for each x = (XA) e[] XA, and every index <*eL AeL \L e L, one writes x^ = prM(x). More generally, for each nonempty subset J of L, one writes prj(x) = (XA)A e, (subfamily of x = (JCA)A e L). From the axiom of choice (1.4.5) it follows that if XA ^ 0 for every AeL, then f] XA^ 0, and each of the mappings prj is surjective. Furthermore, if J and L - J are both nonempty, the mapping x->far3(x)9 prL_j(;c)) is a bijection ofJ^X^ AeL by the mapping A-*^, and can very well consist only